Almost every shot I’d taken over a month or so had been taken at the maximum aperture of the lenses I was using. I was flicking through some of my shots recently in Lightroom and as the images opened in front of me I noticed something that I’d not considered much before. Some cameras let you do this in your settings while others might take a little self discipline to do this – but I’d be interested to see what impact it has. I personally also find myself looking at my camera a whole lot more than I am looking at the scene in front of me and wonder if some of the joy of the moment could be lost. There are certainly advantages of being able to quickly review our shots or compose them on a larger screen – but similarly to my point above on shooting lots of shots I wonder if the instant review could be making us a little lazy? We’ll just keep taking shots till we’re happy. I love that digital photography gives us instant access to the images we take – but sometimes I wonder if by having that little screen on the back of our cameras we might be missing something from the experience of photography? You’d put the film in for processing and wait a week or so for them to be ready and then go to the photo lab with anticipation… rip open the package and go through them one by one – reliving the moments you captured a week or so ago? You’ll time them better and make sure each shot counts! 3. In doing so you’ll find yourself really thinking about your shots. Here’s my challenge – next time you go out on a shoot – limit yourself to 36 shots (the number in a roll of film). The problem is that when you rely upon the quantity of your shots to improve the quality of your images that you can easily become lazy and complacent. It doesn’t really cost you anything (although fills up hard drives pretty quick) and some might think it increases your chance of capturing the perfect moment. Of course I also know the temptation – shooting heaps of shots is easy to do. At one point we were photographing his son (who was quietly playing with lego) and my friend shot off a burst of 20 or so shots at 4 frames per second.Ĭonsidering his son was sitting still and only really moving his fingers for those few seconds I did wonder at the need to shoot so many shots. I was out shooting with a photography enthusiast friend recently and was amazed at the number of shots he took. The idea is to choose a focal length and only shoot at it for a period of time. I wrote about this recently in a challenge here on dPS. 5 Ideas to Kick Start Your Photography Again 1. Note: by no means am I suggesting that these are the only ways to get inspired – they’ve just helped me at times. Let me explain by looking at 5 photography ideas that I shared with him. I shared a number of ideas from my own experiences of seeking photographic inspiration (some of which I’ll share below) but it struck me halfway through the conversation that a lot of the ideas I was suggesting was actually about him limiting himself in his photography in some way – in order to find inspiration. He reflected that he felt like he’d become something of a lazy photographer and was in a bit of a rut – always photographing the same things in the same ways.

Last week I was speaking with an amateur photographer who told me that he’s been struggling for photographic inspiration and ideas lately.